„Ouăle lui Tarzan” în premieră mondială la TIFF. Din 6 octombrie în cinematografe!    15 - 05 - 2017

„Ouăle lui Tarzan”, cel mai recent documentar regizat de Alexandru Solomon, va avea premiera mondială la Festivalul Internațional de Film Transilvania. Cea de-a XVI-a ediție a evenimentului de la Cluj-Napoca se va desfășura în perioada 2-11 iunie 2017.
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We never thought that we will miss Bucharest, but unfortunately we already did.
All the films came out very nice. Looking forward to come with new jobs and become your pain in the ass again.
Thanks again to my Romanian Family, in HiFilm!
Berent Baytekin, producer, turkey, berent@soda-filmmakers.com

“First time I met Ada SOLOMON, few years ago, I came to Romania to shoot a commercial. We had one day to make it all and of course like always we would need two at least... I was expecting some troubles, not knowing the team, and the contrary happened: Ada and her entirely crew have worked in a such precise and wonderful way, they avoid all tracks and we could work fully during that day of shooting in this magnificent orthodox church crowded with more than hundred and fifty extras…
A year later, I was preparing a long feature film and we needed locations and studios I couldn’t find in France. Right away I remembered Ada, and we made three magnificent weeks of shooting in Bucharest and in Buftea (studios). I must say, in this country which has to face lot of difficulties, the people in charge with movie business really know what they are dealing with and so deeply involved. My trust in Ada and in her efficiency in the matter is complete. I thank her very much for the work she has done and I am totally confident in her ability in running her own company.”
 Sam Karmann, director, france - s.karmann@wanadoo.fr

One the set keeping the day to day nitty gritty of it all running  smoothly is an absolutely wonderful woman named Ada Solomon. I personally would not go to Romania without having Ada on my  production. She was our Unit Production Manager and she knows how and where to find whatever you need.
 Susan Ruskin, producer, us, susanruskin@mac.com

Ada Solomon is simply wonderful...
   - wonderful as a production manager
   - wonderful as a person
She is smart, skillful, experienced and diplomatic at the right times.
I hope to have the opportunity to work with Ada again.
Cleve Landsberg, line producer, us, cleve@zcleve.com

I would like to thank you, HiFilm crew, with all my heart for your friendship first, then for your great cooperation to make this happen. It was quite a complicated one and I believe we pulled it out very successfully. I am looking forward to the next opportunity where we can have less struggle and more fun.
Diloy Gulun, producer, turkey, diloygulun@superonline.com




Alexandru Solomon  -  Societatea Culturala NexT  -  City Plex  -  Documentary Film Centre  -  web famous with eJump Media



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